

來到紐約,恰逢Where the Wild Things Are電影上映,全球的Maurice Sendak書迷一起致敬他在畫、圖畫書的成就,特別因為他的書有歷史地位和扭轉童書概念的關鍵,成為英美圖畫書有史以來,受到最大媒體關心的作者,隨著年紀、心情,發出這樣的訊息:

"I never thought I'd sell this artwork. It holds a place in my heart almost too dear for me to part with it. But, as I age, I find myself letting go of things I never thought I would. Now, with the Wild Things movie about to be released, feels like the perfect time. Having worked with Nick and Heidi at Animazing Gallery in the past adds to my comfort in selling these pieces."
- Maurice Sendak

相信這也是很多人成長的過程,也許我們收集的,捨不得的東西,總有一天會割捨或是分送或是丟棄。等到像Maurice Sendak這種80歲的人生,當然想的就很不一樣了。

Animazing Gallery 位於Soho,是我今天的眾多目的地之一。

3 則留言:

joyliu 提到...

看來你這趟美國行 收穫滿檔喔 等你回來分享唷

Michelle 提到...

妳的生活過得好豐富喔!真好~ ^^

Charlene Lai 提到...
